Zadie was born on July 27th 2018 weighing 8lbs 3oz with a beautiful head of hair! Beautiful Zadie was 13 day’s old when she came in with her amazing parents for her newborn photos. The Meyer family are one of the cutest families which is one of the many reasons I love my job. I get to work with parents who are loving and fussing over their precious new babies it truly is amazing. I always tell families to snuggle and love each other up, I didn’t have to say anything. handed mom her beautiful daughter and was telling dad where to stand. Before I could tell dad to snuggle in and get close, he was already snuggled in with his girls.
Zadie came into the studio sleeping and pretty much stayed that way the entire session she made my job easier she was such a dream. I recently purchased two beautiful flower crowns from the amazing Baby Bliss Props. I love flowers and little girls I used one of flower crowns in this session and added some really pretty flowers in the photos with the pink bucket. This precious little girl and the flowers are too much cuteness it really makes my heart melt. I truly have the best job on earth. If you enjoyed this blog you can click HERE to read a smilier blog post. If you have recently booked a newborn session you can click HERE to read a post about how to prepare for your upcoming session.